Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Cruising in the infinite depths of outer space, the spaceship Enterprise had entered a planetary system uncannily like that in which Earth circles its sun…


Kirk and his crew get a huge shock after landing on Kwettir, a planet of giants.

Memorable quotes[]

"Nice of you to bring me along, James! Isn't often I get to leave that confounded sick-bay of mine."
"I need you, Bones! The fact is, I'm scared of spraining my ankle!"

- McCoy and Kirk

"By Jupiter! I believe I see what you're driving at, Spock!"

- Kirk

Background information[]


  • Kirk swears by Jupiter.
  • McCoy wears a red shirt, rather than his typical blue.

Setting and technology[]

The ground search begins

Antar tells Chekov that he is beginning a ground search

  • Chekov is aboard, placing the story between 2267 and 2269.

Publishing history[]

None of the UK weekly stories had titles.


Regular cast[]

Other characters[]

  • Antar, supreme governor of Kwettir
  • Clorac, aide to Antar

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UK Story Arc #29 Star Trek Comic Strip (UK)
Story Arcs
UK Story Arc #31