Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the ENT episode of the same name, please see "Terra Prime".
"A new era is at hand… an era that will expose the concept of inter-species unity as an absolute and vicious lie. An era that will witness the advent of a Human-centric consciousness that will place our world before all others. As of this moment mankind casts off the shackles of alien interference and now determines its own fate... its own destiny. Terra Prime... forever."
John Frederick Paxton, 2155 ("Demons")

Terra Prime was an extremist xenophobic terrorist organization dedicated to the expulsion of all non-Humans from Earth and the Sol system.

Some members took to heart the policies of 21st century historical figure Colonel Green, regarded by many as a genocidal madman, with regards to ethics of genetic "purity."

Sometime prior to the 2130s, an 18 year old Nathan Samuels joined Terra Prime out of hatred for alien species when a Denobulan pilot was involved in the death of his father. He later renounced the organization and made a great effort to distance himself from it.

In 2151, Terra Prime made a small fuss about the launch of Enterprise NX-01 but their influence was not important enough to be noteworthy or to affect the launch. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed would later remember hearing of them, but not giving them much thought.

In 2155, John Frederick Paxton led Terra Prime from the Orpheus Mining Complex on Earth's moon; other members of the organization included Mercer, Susan Khouri, Daniel Greaves, and Josiah.

Terra Prime's followers, waning before the Xindi attack in 2153, experienced a resurgence after the event, growing in influence to the point of worrying Earth leaders such as former member Nathan Samuels. Paxton ordered the creation of a Human-Vulcan binary clone of Commanders Charles Tucker and T'Pol, and intended to use the baby girl as a rallying point for his anti-alien views. Paxton then hijacked the verteron array on Mars, and threatened to use it to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens left the system. Terra Prime was thwarted by the crew of the Enterprise, and Paxton was taken into custody. (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime")

Terra Prime's efforts to isolate Earth from the galaxy at large ultimately failed, as, less than a decade later, Earth would become a founding member of the Coalition of Planets, and later the United Federation of Planets. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...", "Zero Hour")

A xenophobic organization similar to Terra Prime was planned to be the main antagonists of Enterprise's first season early in its development. [1]

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