Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Shran, 2154

Thy'lek Shran in 2154

Thy'lek Shran was an Andorian commander in the Imperial Guard in the 2150s. Despite his aggressive and xenophobic background, Shran became an unlikely ally of Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer and a proponent of strengthened ties between Andoria and Earth.

Shran first encountered Archer in June of 2151, when Shran led a raid on the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem in search of a clandestine sensor array which they believed the Vulcans were using to spy on Andorian territories. Captain Archer, along with Tucker and T'Pol, accidentally stumbled into the confrontation while on a courtesy visit to the Vulcan monks. During an ensuing firefight, an advanced subspace sensor array was discovered, proving the Andorians were right. As a gesture of peace, Archer gave Shran sensor readings and images of the facility and allowed him to leave freely.

Later that year, Shran was assigned to an Andorian covert ops unit supporting an uprising on Coridan. To repay his debt to Archer from their first encounter, he assisted in Archer and T'Pol's escape from the planet after they were imprisoned as rebels. In 2152, Shran was commanding ground forces deployed to Weytahn, where Vulcan and Andorian commandos had been fighting for control of the planet. Shran sought to negotiate a truce with Vulcan ambassador Soval and requested Captain Archer serve as mediator. The negotiations were ultimately successful and a cease fire was arranged.
