Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tellarite script

Tellarite script

The Tellarite language was the spoken and written language of the Tellarites.

The Tellarite written script resembled pixelated boxes. (ENT: "Bounty")

In the late 24th century, before Rok-Tahk found a universal translator, the other prisoners of the Tars Lamora prison colony could only hear Jankom Pog speaking the Tellarite language. (PRO: "Lost and Found")

The Diviner made Gwyndala study alien languages as a means to keep them apart, resulting in her learning Tellarite. When the USS Protostar's universal translator was impeded, Jankom's original Tellarite went untranslated, and only Gwyndala could understand and reassure him. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")

Examples of spoken language[]

Krught! Snah phu!
(Cries in alarm.) (PRO: "Lost and Found")

Aaron Waltke noted these phrases were first introduced in the Star Trek novels. [1]

Khrught was used as a profanity in The Buried Age, and snah phu was first used in The Rift.

Ubba. Nahaba! Jor- jor- jor, jor-man.
(Jankom dismayed he can't understand the others.) (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")

Bork bimm shoshlom. Kookdee.
(Jankom still dismayed, he still can't understand the others.) (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")

Meesh sholosh, por malaash.
(Gwyn reassures Jankom.) (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")



Background information[]


The Tellarite insignia

Tellarite written script was first introduced in ENT: "Bounty". The Tellarite insignia, first introduced in DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?" also featured written Tellarite script. Spoken Tellarite language was first heard in PRO: "Lost and Found".

External link[]
