Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"I remember this man."
"Tedran. He was a martyr to our people."
"Some martyr. He led the Kyrian attack against Voyager."
– The Doctor and Quarren, 3074 ("Living Witness")

Tedran was a Kyrian leader who was summarily executed by Daleth, a Vaskan ambassador, after he took several hostages aboard the USS Voyager in 2374, leading to the Great War between the Kyrians and Vaskans.

He was considered a martyr by the Kyrian people, who believed that he was captured by the crew of Voyager after they negotiated an alliance with the Vaskans. The Kyrians also believed that Tedran was executed by Voyager Captain Kathryn Janeway.

Seven hundred years later, the truth was revealed when Quarren, a historian, activated Voyager's backup EMH program, which contained the memories of The Doctor up until just before the Great War. In reality, while the crew were in trade negotiations with the Vaskans, Tedran had led a group of Kyrians in a raid on the ship, as he incorrectly believed that the Vaskans' negotiations with Voyager were a prelude to a military alliance against the Kyrians. In the course of the attack, the Kyrians had taken hostages, including Seven of Nine. After Tedran was subdued by the crew of Voyager, he was killed by Daleth, the Vaskan ambassador, who fired without warning, a turn of events The Doctor described as "a tragic, needless death" despite Tedran's actions. (VOY: "Living Witness")

Tedran was played by Brian Fitzpatrick.
