Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Tarkannans were a species native to the Alpha or Beta Quadrant, that made first contact with the Federation in the late 2340s.

On Chakotay's first posting, his ship was sent to make first contact with them. He studied up on all the information they had on the Tarkannans, and pestered the captain to let him be on the diplomatic team. When he finally came face-to-face with their delegation, he very proudly made the traditional gesture for "hello", not realizing that males and females of their race used different styles of movement. He later found out that he had actually propositioned the ambassador. According to Chakotay, the entire fiasco, he almost got himself shipped back to the Starfleet Academy for remedial training.

While making first contact with the Drayans in 2372, he was reminded of this encounter, and explained it to Captain Janeway. (VOY: "Innocence")

This species was only mentioned in dialogue.

Being as the Federation had information on them, it seems probable they were already a space-faring race when the Federation met them. It is also probable they were humanoid, Chakotay being able to imitate their gestures.

According to, the presumed homeworld and/or the primary of the Tarkannans was named Tarkanna. [1](X)
