Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Tamarian vessel 08" was the Federation spacecraft ID for the Tamarian deep space cruiser commanded by Captain Dathon.

In 2368, this vessel arrived at El-Adrel IV where they began transmitting a subspace signal toward Federation space. Three weeks later they were approached by the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D.

After a failed attempt at communication, the captains of both starships were beamed to the surface of El-Adrel IV, where after, the Tamarians projected their particle scattering field around the planet. The Enterprise-D was finally able to disable the polarity coil generator of the Tamarian vessel before the two ships exchanged phaser fire.

In the brief exchange between the two vessels, the Tamarian ship inflicted damage that resulted in the loss of forty-eight percent of the Enterprise-D's starboard shields and a complete loss of its forward shields. In the Enterprise-D's retaliatory attack, it caused no damage to the Tamarian vessel. A second volley from the Tamarians completely disabled the shields of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Darmok")

This vessels identification appeared in an okudagram appearing in the episode.
