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  • T: Supernova, Part 2
  • A: PRO
  • N: 1x20
  • P: 120
  • C: 873
  • D: 29
  • M: December
  • Y: 2022
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Supernova, Part 2 (episode) article.
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Federation members ?[]

  • Dal R'El → A scan revealed that he was a Human hybrid, composed of the recessive DNA of 26 alien species (PRO: "Masquerade")

Janeway in tribunal says: "The Federation is made-up of over 150 member species. Dal's DNA includes 26 of those. So, I ask you, is there a better living embodiment of what are alliance represents?"

Theses 26 species, we have by example: Bajoran, Breen, Reman, Orion, Q, Klingon, Kazon, 8472, Gorn, Suliban, Ferengi, Xindi...

So my question, how interprate all that ? Are theses species now in Federation ? But Trij the Klingon demontrates que the klingon empire isn't ? Worst, how to obtain Q-ADN ? Worst again, Dominion ? Really changeling-ADN ? C-IMZADI-4 (talk) 18:48, 28 January 2024 (UTC)
