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  • T: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • A: FLM
  • N: 05, TOS 5
  • C: 150
  • M: June
  • Y: 1989
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Star Trek V: The Final Frontier article.
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September date suggestion[]

Star Trek V occurred on September 21st 2279. Of course this is rejected by most fans. So to figure the day you'd have to find the September full moon for that year. September is easy to prove. They filmed the Yosemite Scenes in September 1988. If you were an expert, and you could tell the season by looking at the Valley, you'd always be lead to that month. The preceding unsigned comment was added by .

Star Trek V took place about a Month After Star Trek IV. They were docked at Earth for Repairs for 3 weeks, but the fact that Scotty would mention the line from Star Trek IV "Let's see what she got said the Captain" it could not have been that far from ST4. I understand you not accepting 2279, but at least move it to the same year as STIV. I'd like some debate on this idea. The preceding unsigned comment was added by TOSrules (talkcontribs).
Ok, so we have some facts to ponder here:
  1. based on the full data of the season when filmed, and the fact they showed a full moon(?), then we can assume that ST5 took place on a date near the full moon for september of the year it took place in. this is reasonable. (the exact date i would hold off on, for now, since its hard to tell the days before or after a full moon)
  2. a month after ST4: what's your source for this?
  3. repairs for 3 weeks: what's your source for this?
  4. how can you rule out the possibility that there was actually an intervening year of shakedown, or another mission, or any other events at all, since there was no reference to any of that in the film?
.. -- Captain Mike K. Bartel 05:35, 21 Aug 2004 (CEST)
The Three weeks comes from the line "you said you could have her repaired in 2 weeks, I gave you 3 what happened?" Proving she docked 3 weeks ago for repairs. The fact that Scotty says, "Let's see what she got said the Captain" Quoting the last line from Star Trek IV it had to be in a short period of time. If it was a year or 2 later it would have been totally forgotten. A week is conjecture, but given the line, I think it is a safe bet. Adding 3 weeks and 1 week you get about a Month.
As Said before you get September from the fact that the Yosemite Scenes were filmed that month. If you were an expert whom could tell by watching the movie, All data would have to lead to that month. TOSrules 01:08, 21 Aug 2004 (PST)
Though no dates were actually given, I feel TOSrules is on to something here. Unless other data is found to contradict his findings, I think this info can be added to the article, perhaps with a note on how the assumption can be proven. -- Redge | Talk 11:56, 21 Aug 2004 (CEST)
Well if all agree then I guess we can move back this movie to the same year as Star Trek IV. But If you do that, then that means Star Trek IV occurred somewhere in August, and since Star Trek 3 is about 3 month earlier it occurred roughly in May of the same year. The Funny thing is, when you account for all the time, I find that ST2 must have been in a minimum of April, but since the information is sketching at best at that point, it is just an Educated Guess. The Number has enough play in it, that it could have begun on March 22ed just like the profile for Kirks suggest. - TOSrules 19:21, 21 Aug 2004 (PST)
Well, I don't fully agree.. i find the logic to be faulted. Just because he said he was given 3 weeks doesnt mean that the repairs hadn't already taken 36 weeks giving the ship a full overhaul, including a new bridge module. They stated an estimate, not how much time had actually elapsed. It's also possible that the ship was semi-operational for a period of time despite the outfitting flaws, and then had returned for 3 week overhaul after an intervening, indeterminate, length of time. And if a captain took me out to get stranded on a shakedown cruise that would end in a lengthy, complicated repair and overhaul process, his last orders would stick in my mind too, even months later.
Since the film doesnt explicitly establish any of this data, all of this (your scenario and my scenario both) is completely speculative. On the matter of the chronology, we'd have a problem as we'd be crossing an official reference, Okuda's chronology. I think we should find more data before making a hasty judgment. -- Captain Mike K. Bartel 04:34, 22 Aug 2004 (CEST)
The Lynch pin of my argument is the fact that Scotty Quoits The Last line of Star Trek IV. Either he watched Star Trek IV recently, or he had heard that line in a relatively short period of time. Forget the 3 weeks, that's just a minor point that helps give us an idea of exactly how much time had passed. My argument still stands. TOSrules 19:53, 21 Aug 2004 (PST)
Yes, it still stands as pure speculation. I don't consider it at all relevant, since Scotty could very well remember how that that order was stated months later also: it doesn't "prove" anything. Just because its the kind of thing that is more likely to be said shortly after something was remembered from, it doesn't mean its impossible to remember it a further amount of time later. If i was instructed to do something, and it led to months of extra work, i would remember (and revile) the original instruction also. So the lynch pin of you argument doesn't really hold it together. -- Captain Mike K. Bartel 17:49, 22 Aug 2004 (CEST)
An interesting point you make. But I am the one whom says it could be remembered within months. You are the one whom thinks it could be remembered in a year's time. Between time, and being busy for a repair Scotty would not have remembered. And do you think Scotty is so Incompetent that he would take that long to repair the ship? TOSrules 12:26, 22 Aug 2004 (PST)
I see no reason that STV couldn't take place a few weeks after IV and still be in the next year. IV could have been at the end of the year and V takes place at the beginning of the next.Ryan123450 07:30, 23 Aug 2004 (CEST)
That wouldn't work out since we already established (and I think agreed) that STV takes place in September. -- Redge | Talk 13:31, 23 Aug 2004 (CEST)
I know it is a radical shift in thought for some, but I've made a great case. I have a suspicion that the date given in Chronology, is based off the line from ST5 where it is said that Nimbus III was formed 20 years ago. My figure would push it into the 15 year range. But in truth, this Error, is one of my favs. Cathlin Dar was speaking in Romulan, not Earth years.
Gray Variable, There is a gray area that totally randomizes the factors. It also might explain the problem with the ship being built "So Quickly" There is no Proof of the Time period between The Trial ST4 and Kirk and friends boarding the Enterprise ST4. Neither is there proof between Landing at San Francisco Bay, and the Trail. Although I would not rely on that gap, because that would move quickly. The rest of ST4 was 5 days TMP Scotty said it would take 4 days to get to Vulcan from Earth. I've actually worked out as much of the Time as possible ( | Talk 12:42, 23 Aug 2004 (PST)
RE: Redge: "TOSrules is on to something here." – I don't. It's personal speculation.
It may be a great case, but it is still your personal speculation, with pretty much no canon support at all. -- Michael Warren | Talk 22:00, Aug 23, 2004 (CEST)
It is also the BEST data available for figuring out the date of ST5 TOSrules | Talk 13:01, 23 Aug 2004 (PST)
So? Doesn't mean it's valid. It's your personal take on when it is set. MA is not a vehicle for personal speculation. -- Michael Warren | Talk 22:12, Aug 23, 2004 (CEST)
So you take no case over best case. You also accept the speculation that ST2 occurred on 2385 despite that is more then 15 years after the date given on this site for "Space Seed" 2282 is 15 years after. TOSrules | Talk 13:15, 23 Aug 2004 (PST)
I take the Chronology date over fan speculation. Chronology simply states ST5 takes place 2287. That is enough for me. Only in events where a specific date is referenced in the canon should said information be included. Trying to narrow it down leaves us buried in semantics and arbitrary arguments over Romulan years vs. Earth years. If this data was included, half the article would have to be devoted to why, detailing the exact chain of suppositions that lead to that conclusion, and that is not acceptable. Where no canon evidence can be retrieved, the point should be left unanswered. Let the fans debate it elsewhere. -- Michael Warren | Talk 22:25, Aug 23, 2004 (CEST)
Could we at the very least both agree that it took place in September? May I suggest the following note to be added to the main body as a means of satisfying both.
  • By taking a close look at the angle and intensity of the sunlight in Yosemite Park, it can be established that Star Trek V: The Final Frontier took place in the Earth month September.
The discussion regarding which year it took place in can be read her by anyone who wants to know and make out which date to trust for themselves. -- Redge | Talk 23:34, 23 Aug 2004 (CEST)
There is more to figuring out when, then just the angle of shadows, it would also include the states of the plants, and other features I have no idea about. I think everyone agrees here it takes place in September. Redge I've proven there is Canon Evidence to suggest the ST5 occurred close to ST4, It is just not pinned down specifically. TOSrules | Talk 15:36, 23 Aug 2004 (PST)
Make you own message then, but keep in mind we don't all agree what year it was, and untill we do, the article should not include your conclusions. -- Redge | Talk 15:44, 24 Aug 2004 (CEST)
To keep the site totally as a reference, the best way to say it is, "From the evidence of the looks of Yosemite this movie must have occurred in September when the Yosemite scenes were filmed. Also it took place on a full moon." -- TOSrules | Talk 12:43, 24 Aug 2004 (PST)
I'd like to say one thing, I base my information off more Canon information then "Star Trek: Chronology". I never assume things, like that the TOS Episodes happened exactly 300 years after being filmed, or that the date on the Romulan Ale is an Earth date. The preceding unsigned comment was added by TOSrules (talkcontribs).
I still think we should have Star Trek V Placed in the same year as ST4 because of Scott's line, "lets see what she got said the captain." It's not something you'd remember a year or two later.
But, here is a calendar for September 2287, it suggest the Full moon is on the 22ed, which is only one day off of my suggested date. [1]--TOSrules 05:37, 22 Sep 2004 (CEST)
With due respect, is it fair to place the movie in September because it "looks like" September in the shot, based on the "angle and intensity of the sunlight"?
By that logic, one could look at the diameter of certain trees, and the amount of erosion in the rocks, and conclusively place the events of ST:V in 1987!
Absent stronger clues to the specific month, I'd be reluctant to place much faith in what is essentially an artifact of the filming process.--Heath 06:45, 3 Mar 2005 (GMT)
You can not gauge the age of a tree by it's size. There are allot of factors to determine the size of a tree. But your point is that nature should not be used to gauge the date. If Yosemite was snowed over wouldn't you rule out the idea of it occurring in Summer? I would. The idea is that any location on earth changes from season to season, so here it has a fall look. If you were an expert on Yosemite you could determine a month by looking at things like the plants, and rivers and even shadow angles.--TOSrules 10:26, 3 Mar 2005 (GMT)
Weather control system -- Seriously, who knows what time of year it really was. The preceding unsigned comment was added by

The Travel to Galactic Core[]

Shouldn't the article contain a few notes about how impossible is the travel to galactic core? The Distances/speeds/Travel times are the worst sources of inconsistencies in Trek. But this travel is by far the worst ever!

Sisko once brought the Kai at the end of the wormhole and tells her "We are 70 000 lights years away from Bajor. Our fastest starship would take 63 years to get here without the wormhole". So, the fastest ships in the 2370's can cross some 1000 LY per year". This is consistant with various statements in VOY.

According to Picard in First Contact, the federation worlds are spread across 8000 LY. It is probably an extreme distance between two remote outposts, but this mean that a distance of, say, 500 LY between two poins in the Federation should be usual. Hence, 6 months for a very fast Starship like a Intrepied.

This is inconsistant with the general impression in TOS, TNG and DS9, where one can aparently get anywhere in the Federation or in the neighbouring "countries" in a matter of day, or even hours.

But STV has an far bigger flaw here. The Enterprise-A get to the Galactic core in 7 hours! and there is no miracle technology like the Caretaker's wave) involved here.

This is a travel of at least 25 000 LY. So, Kirk's E-A is travelling 31 000 times faster than the fastest ships Federation has 90 years later. what a shameful decline in Warp Technology!--Rami

There is no canonical way to explain Kirk's miraculous journey to the galactic core, other than to speculate that the "God-alien" provided Sybok with directions to or manufactured a spacetime shortcut, like a wormhole. The degree that some fans will quibble over some minutia, like trying to argue the month/year something was "actually filmed" versus what the story called for, is astounding.--Mike Nobody 12:03, 23 Oct 2005 (UTC)

I agree. We could perfectly imagine "God" had a good ol' friend named the Caretaker and asked him to pull the E-A from Federation Teritory to the Galactic core... But if something that miraculous had happened, it should be mentionned in the movie, or at least someone should ask the question.

Even Kirk and Spock don't seem to be astonished by this fast travel - I seriously thought those guys had some skills about space travel ;-)

Another nitpick : when two officiers (Spock and Kirk IIRC) are falling in the lurbolift conduit, someone shuts down the artificial gravity, and they instantly stop falling. That's absurd : this should just stop their acceleration, they should go on falling at constant speed.

Of course, the more blantant error in the movie is that the enterprise, whose eight is 73 meters, has a "deck 78", we are left speculating about what strange technique is used to number the decks.

The movie had two interesting concepts to start with : the idea of lookin for God in space, and the "rebel Vulcan". But the script was very poorly written --Rami

Funny thing is, the original script was EVEN WORSE. Nimoy, Roddenberry, and Harve Bennet tried to clean it up a little while Shatner was occupied getting production going. But, probably what contributed the most to the outcome of the movie is trying to shoot a $40 million dollar movie with a $30 million dollar budget. There was no time for enough takes or preparation to get everything done properly. So, not only is it not everyone's best acting job, it was haphazardly thrown together as well.--Mike Nobody 08:41, 26 Oct 2005 (UTC)
Let's not forget that when K-S-M first board the Enterprise-A and travel from the Hangar Deck to the Bridge, the turbolift wall indicator shows them traveling upward the entire time! As we all know, however, you must first travel horizontally from the Hangar Deck, then vertically up the connecting dorsal, then horizontally across the saucer section, then vertically to the Bridge.
Even Picard and the Enterprise-D needed help traveling to the center of the galaxy in TNG's "The Nth Degree," thanks to Lt. Barclay's "enhancement" by the Cytherians.
For me, the only way to reconcile all the errors in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is to classify the bulk of the film as a "dream," from the time K-S-M go to sleep in Yosemite to the next time they're sitting around the campfire, singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" at the very end. --LordEdzo 15:26, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
A dream-maybe that could explain a lot-especialy after drinking wiskhey--and have all three of our heroes waking up in the same position and dressed in the same clothing they had in the begining!!! The preceding unsigned comment was added by
RE: Rami: "I agree." – I disagree totally. While the speed of the vessel is out of sync with TNG "established speeds", it is not out of the oridinary for a starship that casually wandered outside the galactic perimeter in "To go where no man has gone before". TOS never stated officially how fast Warp was, just that it was faster than the speed of light. For that matter, the speed of warpdrive has always been the speed-of-plot, however fast it needs to be to make sense in the story line. -- 23:27, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
RE: – Cute explanation. But - I think you watched too many episodes of Dallas. And, Kirk wasn't wearing the same clothes at the end that he did in the beginning. I don't think Spock and Mc Coy were, either. Also, it's spelled "whiskey". - Adambomb1701 16:04, 20 August 2007 (UTC)
What's the problem, "Star Trek' is constantly disobeying and changing the laws of phisics, despite Scotty's protests to the contrary. After all in "Star Trek" "tere are always possibilities." - J. Sparrow 15:38, 25 September 2007 (UTC)

What is Kirk's secret?[]

McCoy's secret is the pain for the part he played in his father's death; Spock's secret is the knowledge of his rejection at his birth by his father; Kirk has one secret fear he refuses to let anyone know about. The preceding unsigned comment was added by

I think kirk's secret is that he's a terrible director, and he didn't need sybok to tell him that-- 19:37, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
His "secret" could be any number of events from the original series. Maybe his being forced to kill Gary Mitchell? 07:16, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
Prehaps it was publicly admitting to his everlasting regret in which he is forced to kill Gary Mitchell-after all he already expressed his how he feels regarding the death of his son David Marcus. The preceding unsigned comment was added by No its the fact that Kirk knows he will die alone without even the Comfort of his love/hate relationship with the starship Enterprise as did happen in Star Trek VII Generations where the last time Kirk saves the Universive at the expense of his life...


Ironic that this movie script featured "Rockman" which were not used in this movie, there was a "ROCKMAN" used in the Star Trek parody movie Galaxy Quest. The preceding unsigned comment was added by preceding unsigned comment was added by


in the "background information" section, it says:

  • Star Trek V has provoked strong controversy among fans, many of whom consider this movie to be the weakest of the Trek films. In fact, Gene Roddenberry has stated that certain plot elements were "apocryphal," although it's not known exactly which elements he was referring to. Subsequent Star Trek writers have avoided referencing events from the movie for the most part. One of the rare exceptions is the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Fusion", which features a group of Vulcans who express their emotions freely, an element seen in this film in the form of Sybok. Next Generation writer Joe Menosky has also suggested that the "God" alien in this film is a renegade from the Cytherians in TNG: "The Nth Degree".

"Fusion" and ST5 have similar themes and ideas in that both depict renegade vulcans that express emotion, but I would not call that a "reference" as implied in this text.-- 08:59, 8 October 2006 (UTC)

Movie Theme?[]

Just what was this movie's theme supposed to be about? I heard it was supposed to a satire of fake healers and their followers! Could this have been written up in the begining then changed at the last second so Kirk becomes a hero by exposing how Sybok and his followers are dupes for an evil creature-suppesdly so powerful Sybok and company are "put under a spell" light years away-yet can't get released from a stone prision??? Preahps Captain Kirk should have been in the STNG Too Short A Season (episode) as the ancient admirial who dies at the end of a youth elixer-instead of appearing in all these Star Trek Movies!!! The preceding unsigned comment was added by

Turbolift Scene[]

The references to which deck they are at as they are flying up from the rocket boots do not seem to coincide with a Constitution class starship. And, for all intents and purposes... Deck 1 is usually the bridge-deck... and then works its way down. The preceding unsigned comment was added by

Reputedly, William Shatner himself insisted on the excessive numbers of ascending decks despite other advice (I have seen a source, and will add it if I ever find it again). Various in-universe explanations have been suggested for the Neverending Turbolift, most notably by the "Canon Fodder" site [2].--Indefatigable 00:21, 29 July 2009 (UTC)


I removed this from the article, because it had previously been removed from Cytherian and God (Sha Ka Ree) as uncited (see those pages' talk pages):

Next Generation writer Joe Menosky has also suggested that the "God" alien in this film is a renegade from the Cytherians in TNG: "The Nth Degree".

Josiah Rowe 03:24, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

Three-breasted cat women apparently screech like James Brown[]

Am I the only one distinctly hearing James Brown vocal samples when the three-breasted cat woman attacks the rescue party? -- 18:19, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

I think so.--31dot 18:21, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Alright, so I revisited that scene (also to make sure it isn't a particularity of the German dub I was watching the other night), and I am absolutely positive that they have gratituously sprinkled two very characteristic James Brown samples all over the scene, repeatedly in various pitches and lengths. One is the scream from the very beginning of "I Got You (I Feel Good)", unfortunately the other one (a very long one, e.g. in the moment when the cat-woman is thrown in the water tub) I cannot pinpoint yet. Maybe a James Brown connaisseur can help out here, but I am absolutely positive about the use of his screaming.

Also, three-breasted cat-women die when thrown into water. Good to know. -- 19:16, 11 May 2009 (UTC)
If you find some proof, such as a producer or other crew member saying so, we'd love to see it, but I don't think you will.--31dot 02:25, 12 May 2009 (UTC)
Point taken. I respect your approach towards a completely sourced wiki that does not allow for evidence by observation. -- 22:34, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
You're not the only one. I'm watching it on DVR now, and had to rewind because I swore I heard the unmistakable howl of James Brown. Immediately Googled and found this thread. I second your observation. -- 11:39, 30 May 2011
Diddo The preceding unsigned comment was added by
I agree, also. And having been DJing for many years (and having done Audio Engineering for a bit) I am very certain that there at least two different JB vocal samples used. The preceding unsigned comment was added by
I think the point has been made that others think so. Unless there is evidence that it was indeed the case, no further comment is necessary.--31dot 23:54, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

Alright, here's your evidence: "For Star Trek V, [Mark] Mangini created sounds for a dangerous cat woman (by mixing real cat noises with distorted James Brown screams)". From the article "Stick it in your ear" in American Film 15.1, October 1985, available as PDF on (quote appears on page 44, or page 4 in the PDF respectively, rightmost column). -- 10:59, September 25, 2012 (UTC)

I've added the link to the page on the character for now, as it is more relevant to her and such a note would be lost in the current Background section here. 31dot (talk) 11:24, September 25, 2012 (UTC)

Brig - Do not use while in Spacedock[]

While Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are in the brig, there is a panel above Kirk's seat that says "Do not use while in spacedock" Any speculations on what that is and why it shouldn't be used in spacedock? I don't see any reason why the brig or a simple seat can't be used while they're docked. Ctetc2007 08:52, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

It's a toilet. And it's a joke, referencing the signs that used to be in train lavatories, saying "Do not use while train is in the station." They said that because when you flushed the toilet, it sent the waste directly onto the tracks — which is not that big a deal when you're talking about train tracks in the middle of the country, but is rather unpleasant when you think about a train station. Toilets on trains aren't set up this way any more, but they were only a few decades back.
The sign suggests that starships deal with Human waste in a similar fashion, and would present the same problem if the toilet were used while the ship was in spacedock. It's not meant to be taken seriously, though. —Josiah Rowe 06:46, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Removed quotes[]

"I thought weapons were forbidden on this planet. Besides, I can't believe you'd kill me for a field of empty holes."
"It's all I have."
"Your pain runs deep."
"What do you know of my pain?"
"Let us explore it...together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me...and gain strength from the sharing."

- Sybok and J'onn

"You're a Vulcan!"

- J'onn, to Sybok

"Greetings, Captain."
"Spock. What are you doing in this neck of the woods?"
"I have been monitoring your progress."
"I'm flattered. Twelve hundred points of interest in Yosemite and you pick me."
"I regret to inform you that the record for free climbing El Capitan is in no danger of being broken."
"I'm not trying to break any records, Spock. I'm doing this because I enjoy it. Not to mention the most important reason for climbing a mountain."
"And that is?"
"Because it's there."
"Captain, I do not think you realize the gravity of your situation."
"On the contrary, gravity is foremost on my mind. Look, I'm trying to make an ascent here. Why don't you go pester Dr. McCoy for a while?"
"I believe that Dr. McCoy is not in the best of moods."

- Kirk and Spock

"Damn irresponsible! Playing games with life!"
"Concentration is vital. You must be one with the rock."
"Spock, I appreciate your concern, but if you don't stop distracting me, I'm liable to be one with the– (Kirk slips off the rock face) WHOAAAAAAH!"

- McCoy, Spock and Kirk, as Kirk is trying to climb El Capitan

"Commander Sulu come in, please."
"I don't believe this. Commander Sulu here."
"Bad news gentlemen, shore leave's been canceled."
"Rescued at last!"
"Return to pre-arranged coordinates for pickup."
"If you tell her we're lost, we'll never live it down."
"Is there a problem, gentlemen?"
"Uh, yes. We've been caught in a... we've been caught in a blizzard."
(Chekov blows into the communicator) "And we can't see a thing. Request you direct us to the coordinates."
"My visual says sunny skies and 70 degrees."
"Sulu, look. The sun's come out. It's a miracle!"
"Don't worry boys, your secret's safe with me. I'll send a shuttle to pick you up."
"Uhura, I owe you one. Sulu out."

- Uhura, Sulu and Chekov

"You know, you two could drive a man to drink."
"Me? What did I do?"
"What did you do? You really piss me off, Jim. Human life is too precious to go risking on crazy stunts! Maybe it didn't cross that macho mind of yours but you should have been killed when you fell off that mountain!"
"It crossed my mind."
"And, even as I fell, I knew that I wouldn't die."
"Oh? I thought he was the only one who's immortal." (points at Spock)
"Oh no, it's not that. I knew I wouldn't die because the two of you were with me."
"I do not understand."
"I've always known I'll die alone."
"Well, I'll call Valhalla and have them reserve a room for you. It's a mystery what draws us together, all that time in space and getting on each other's nerves. And what do we do when shore leave comes around? We spend it together. Other people have families."
"Other people Bones, not us."

- Kirk, McCoy and Spock

"All I can say is they don't make them like they used to."
"You told me you could have this ship operational in two weeks, I gave you three, what happened?"
"I think you gave me too much time, sir.
"Very well, Mr. Scott. Carry on."'
"Yes sir." (to a crewman off-screen) "How many times do I have to tell you, the right tool for the right job?!"
"I don't think I've ever seen him happier."

- Scotty, Kirk and McCoy

"Bridge... I hope."

- Kirk responding to the turbolift's voice malfunction

"Hold your horse, captain. I'm scanning."

- Kirk and Spock, searching for the hostages

"Damn it, Spock! Goddamn it!"
"Captain, what I have done--"
"What you have done is betray every man on the ship!"
"Worse. I betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me."
"Forgive you? I ought to knock you on your Goddamn ass!"
"If you think it would help."
"You want me to hold him, Jim?"
"You stay out of this!"

- Kirk and Spock, with McCoy chiming in

"Why, Spock? All you had to do was pull the trigger!"
"If I had pulled the trigger, Sybok would be dead."
"I ordered you to defend your ship!"
"You ordered me to kill my brother."
"Look, the man may be a fellow Vulcan but..."
"No, no, captain you do not understand. Sybok also is a son of Sarek."
"You mean he's your brother brother?"
(Spock nods yes)
"You made that up."
"I did not."
"Yes you did. Sybok couldn't possibly be your brother because I happen to know for a fact that you don't have a brother!"
"Technically you are correct, I do not have a brother."
"There you are. See, see?"
"I have a half brother."
"I gotta sit down."
"Let me get this straight, Spock. You and Sybok have the same father but different mothers?"
"Exactly, that is correct. Sybok's mother was a Vulcan princess. Upon her death, Sybok and I were raised as brothers."
"Why didn't you tell us this before now?"
"I was not inclined to discuss matters of a personal nature. For that, I am sorry."
"He's sorry, yeah that makes everything better. He's sorry and..."
"Stop it, Jim! Spock could no more kill his own brother than he could kill you! If you want to punish him for something, why don't you throw him in the brig? Besides we've got more important things to worry about, like how the hell to get out of here? I'll say one thing, Spock. You never cease to amaze me."
"Nor I myself."

- Kirk, Spock and McCoy

"Spock, the boosters."
"If I activate them now captain, we'll be propelled upward at an unbelievable rate."
"Fire the rockets!"
"Captain, please come back down!"
(as the trio race upward through the turbo shaft) "Hit the brakes!"
"It appears I overshot the mark by one level."
"Nobody's perfect, Spock."

- Kirk, Spock, Sulu, and McCoy

"Why is God angry?"
"Why?! Why have you done this to my friend?!"
"He doubts me."

- Kirk, Sybok and "God"

"Jim, what are you doing?"
"I'm asking a question."
"Who is this creature?"
"Who am I? Don't you know? Aren't you God?"
"He...has his doubts."
"You doubt me?"

- McCoy, Kirk, "God" and Sybok

"Stop! The god of Sha Ka Ree would not do this!"
"Sha Ka Ree?! A vision you created. An eternity I've been imprisoned in this place. The ship. I must have the ship. Now give me what I want."
"Sybok! This is not the god of Sha Ka Ree or any other god!"
"I don't understand. Reveal yourself to me!"

- Sybok, "God" and Spock

"What's wrong? Don't you like this face? I have so many, but this one suits you best."
"No! No. It's not possible."
"Bring me the ship or I will destroy you."
"The ship..."
"Bring it closer so that I might join with it. Do it or watch these...puny things die horribly."

- "God" and Sybok

"What have I done?"
"Kirk to Enterprise, listen carefully."
"This is my doing. This is my arrogance, my vanity."
"Sybok, we must..."
"No! No, you must save yourselves. Forgive me, brother. Forgive me."
(Sybok raises his hand in the Vulcan salute and Spock raises his own hand to Sybok's)

- Sybok, Kirk, and Spock

--31dot 00:40, May 16, 2010 (UTC)

"With all due respect, the Enterprise is a disaster. There must be other ships in the quadrant."
"Other ships, yes, but no experienced commanders. Captain, I need Jim Kirk."
(sotto voce) "Oh, please." -

- Kirk and Admiral Bennett

Several of these removed again per MA:QUOTE. - Archduk3 02:24, August 27, 2011 (UTC)


The article states "Gene Roddenberry expressed his own dissatisfaction by stating that certain plot elements were "apocryphal," although it is not known exactly which elements he was referring to". This is untrue. In a rather long letter regarding STV (a letter currently on display at EMP's SciFi museum in Seattle), Roddenberry states quite clearly that this movie forced the characters he had created to act completely out of line from what their personalities and evolution had been. That is, abandoning their duties and all sense of reason to run off and chase after God completely went against everything he had set out for ST. It's not "unknown", as the article states. 09:53, May 24, 2010 (UTC)

Is the text of this letter available anywhere online, or in any published book? —Josiah Rowe 16:21, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Reasons for box office failure[]

In the "Background information" section, one of the bullet points discusses possible reasons for the movie's box office failure. One of the reasons listed is "There was some public dissatisfaction with Star Trek: The Next Generation amongst fans at the time." Although this statement is true (at this time there was a fairly major rift in fandom, with some fans of the original series vocally dismissing TNG and others embracing it), I don't see how it's relevant to a discussion of Star Trek V's box office. Hardcore fans have always been a small subset of the Star Trek audience, and I can't imagine members of the general public thinking, "Oh, I might go to that new Star Trek movie — but I hear that some of the fans don't like the new TV show, so I guess I won't." For that matter, I don't see why opinions about TNG would affect the fan turnout for the film, unless it spilled over to an overall sense of Trek fatigue.

I think that this point should be deleted. For that matter, we might want to reword that whole section, because although the other three points are all true, we can't definitively say that they contributed to the film's box office failure. It's a matter of opinion whether the film would have been a hit if any of those factors had been changed. —Josiah Rowe 16:34, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Unseen actor[]

Hi, does anyone know who spoke the Klingon lines which Vixis is receiving onboard the klingon bird of prey, after the hostages were caputered on Nimbus III? The subtitles read " romulan and one Human". I didn't find anything in the credits. -- Klingonteacher (talk) 21:08, October 15, 2015 (UTC)

Wilhelm Scream[]

Please, note that the Wilhelm Scream was heard from one of the insurgents when he gets knocked off his horse in the brief battle. The preceding unsigned comment was added by OperaSinger (talkcontribs).

Scotty's missing finger in TOS compared to The Final Frontier[]

The Characters subsection of the page states that "Scott canonically was not missing any fingers during the TOS timeframe. In this film, Doohan's injured hand is clearly visible in one scene, establishing in canon that, at some point between TOS and Star Trek V, Scott lost a finger, for reasons as yet unrevealed." This is untrue; while James Doohan did attempt to conceal his missing finger throughout TOS, there are shots in which it is clearly visible, including in Catspaw, The Corbomite Manoeuvre, That Which Survives and The Trouble With Tribbles. In addition, when Scott shakes hands with Dr. Nichols in The Voyage Home, his missing finger is clearly visible. This disproves the assertion that Scott lost his finger prior to the scene in The Final Frontier. We later see both an uninjured hand double for Doohan and his missing finger in the same episode, TNG:Relics. The missing finger is a production mistake whenever it is seen, as steps are almost always taken to conceal it and it is not ever intentionally visible as missing. Therefore, it probably should not be argued that Scott lost a finger between TOS and The Final Frontier. -- AlbertNewton1, 11/02/21
