Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Hugh Culber article.
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Marital Status[]

Should Hugh Culber's and Paul Stamets' relationship status be "Married"? It has never been stated that they are. There appears to be some confusion due to Michael Burnham using the word, "widower" in Saints of Imperfection while Paul Stamets' image was displayed on the screen. "Widower" is defined by Merriam Webster's Dictionary as " a man who has lost his spouse or partner by death and usually has not remarried.""[1]" Other dictionaries define the term more narrowly, however, this is the dictionary that should be used, as it is canon- TNG"The Measure Of A Man. Paul Stamets referred to Hugh Culber as "partner" in DIS"Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad." Furthermore, actor Wilson Cruz has stated, unequivocally, that they are not married [2]. --Culber Fan (talk) 03:58, March 2, 2019 (UTC)

Let's try keeping this in one place please. -- sulfur (talk) 04:34, March 2, 2019 (UTC)

Service aboard Discovery[]

The article currently states:

Federation-Klingon War

By the onset of the war in 2256, he was married to Lieutenant Paul Stamets and serving aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")

I do not know of any evidence that supports the claims that Hugh was either serving on Discovery by the onset of the war (since we come to Discovery several months after the war begins), or that he was married to Paul Stamets by the time the war begins. To my knowledge, moreover, Saints of Imperfection does not provide any evidence for the claims in this sentence.

Edited to improve.

30minloop (talk) 02:03, October 8, 2019 (UTC)

Mirror Universe Background Information[]

In the background information section, it talks about Culber's mirror counterpart. Since said counterpart has been included in season 3 of Discovery, should it be moved to the page of his mirror counterpart? -- Huntchaser (talk) 19:55, 18 December 2020 (UTC)

Yes. - Archduk3 20:02, 18 December 2020 (UTC)
Done. -- Huntchaser (talk) 20:16, 18 December 2020 (UTC)