Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Harry Kim article.
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Death and replacement[]

This article should be seperated into two seperate articles. They are explicity not the same person. Even the article acknowledges this. It needs to be split into two articles. --Anonymous 1029384756 (talk) 22:27, June 28, 2020 (UTC)

I disagree. We don't need separate articles for every duplicate that appeared in that episode. They are essentially the same people. Besides, we don't even know which ones are the duplicates and which ones are the originals, if there even is such as thing as "duplicates" and "originals" in this situation, so how would we name the articles? --NetSpiker (talk) 14:17, June 29, 2020 (UTC)
I'm in agreement with NetSpiker in that we have no idea if you could even consider one "original" and the other "duplicate." I actually disagree completely with the article even implying that the "real" Kim was replaced by a "duplicate," given that the only reason we see it that way is because of how the episode was shot. TheRogueX (talk) 16:12, 22 April 2021 (UTC)
Miles O'Brien has the same issue in "Visionary", he died and was replaced by a version of himself from three hours in the future. We have long treated these cases as each being a single individual. In O'Brien's case, he had the same life as the other O'Brien except for three extra hours. Kim was duplicated and one of the duplicates died, the other simply returned to the undamaged Voyager. 31dot (talk) 19:03, 22 April 2021 (UTC)