Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Tak Tak were a race from the Delta Quadrant. Their method of communication included a series of ritualistic gestures as well as speech.

In 2373, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager unknowingly offended a member of the Tak Tak by placing her hands on her hips (one of the worst Tak Tak insults). Neelix worked very hard to deal with the situation and was, as a result, promoted to the unofficial position of ambassador. According to Janeway, not only were they "the most unforgiving people (she's) ever met", but they also "make the Klingons look sedate."

The Tak Tak had no cure for the macrovirus and had a policy of "purifying" any infected ship or colony. They destroyed an infected Garan mining colony in 2373 and also targeted Voyager for the same reasons. They called off their attack after Captain Janeway told them they had developed an antigen for the virus. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

Several Tak Tak were doing business on the space station close to the Nekrit Expanse. (VOY: "Fair Trade") It was a Tak Tak who provided the Voth scientist Gegen with a canister of Voyager's warp plasma. (VOY: "Distant Origin")

This species may be confused with the Alpha/Beta Quadrant species with similar unusual facial features: see Fallit Kot's species or Bosaal's species.

The Tak Tak's emphasis on body language was inspired by the fact that Kate Mulgrew, while portraying Captain Janeway, had a habit of frequently putting her hands on her hips. (Star Trek: Voyager - A Vision of the Future, pp. 171-172)

