Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Tahiti was an island-nation located in the Pacific Ocean on Earth.

After the destruction of the Xindi weapon in 2154, Commander Charles Tucker looked forward to spending two months on a beach, in either Tahiti or Cancún. However, his plans were on hold after Enterprise was transported 210 years into the past. (ENT: "Storm Front")

Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres compromised on a holodeck date to Tahiti, as an alternative to a ski date at Saint Moritz in 2374. Torres chose the warm locale as an alternative to Saint Moritz's frigid wind chill, to which Paris agreed, as long as he could go water skiing. (VOY: "Waking Moments")


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In the story outline of TOS: "The Cage", Tahiti was mentioned by Vina in an illusion designed as an attempt to teach Captain Robert April that one of the many illusory environments he could live in, if he agreed to remain captive, was Earth. In the illusion (which the outline describes as "circa 2049 A.D."), Vina suggested to April that they holiday in Tahiti at the weekend, as their friend, Varjos Miller, had four tickets for "the Tahiti jet." It was also said that a festival was to be held by the Federated Park Commission in Tahiti, including outrigger races, fishing and village ceremonies. (The Making of Star Trek, p. 57)

In ultimately unused dialogue from the final draft script of VOY: "Lifesigns", The Doctor suggested to Danara Pel that they could visit "something called the 'Tahiti' program" in the USS Voyager's holodeck. It was a simulation which involved taking "a moonlit stroll on a white sand beach" and Pel replied that she thought it "sounds lovely."

In the Picard family album, there was a 19th century letter from Tahiti written by Louis.

In the original script for TNG: "A Matter Of Time", Picard – while lecturing Berlinghoff Rasmussen on how one could change the future by making choices now – mentioned Tahiti, rather than Corsica, as an example of a place one could take one's vacation.

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