Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
USS Protostar approaching tachyon storm

The USS Protostar approaching a tachyon storm.

A tachyon storm was a naturally occurring anomaly that was found in space. Composed of tachyons, it was capable of distorting spacetime, affecting both gravity and time itself as well as ship systems that utilized them.

In 2383, the USS Protostar encountered a tachyon storm that interfered with Hologram Janeway's temporal setting and disrupted the proto-drive's gravity shell after the primary warp core breached. The destabilized engine fractured time on the ship into six parallel timelines in pockets moving at different oscillating speeds, where ten minutes could last between a few seconds and "an eternity". The storm's interference also threatened to cause a warp core breach if the system wasn't repaired. Eventually, the crew managed to design, build, and install a makeshift warp matrix that stabilized the engine and restored the ship to normal time. (PRO: "Time Amok")
