Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Table of Comets

Table of Comets

The Table of Comets: Galaxy Quadrant YX-12-114 was a reference book used aboard the USS Enterprise.

A copy of this book was in the briefing room during the 2266 Neutral Zone Incursion. James T. Kirk wanted to refer to it in order to learn more about the composition of the comet Icarus IV. Spock, however, held the book back, stating that the comet was "quite ordinary", and continued to explain the comet's composition from memory without the benefit of the book. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

Unlike most other data consulting tasks performed by the crew, this is a rare example in the show of the crew looking up something in a print book. "Court Martial" made a point to show that computer storage databases were more common than print books for reference or research purposes.
