Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Look, I know you're some outside-the-box math genius, but do you ever wonder why you've been stuck at the same rank for, like, a decade? No wild, unfounded theories on that, huh?! Well, it's because you're insufferable!"
Brad Boimler, 2381 ("Caves")

Lieutenant Steven Levy was a male Human who served aboard the USS Cerritos in the sciences division in the late 24th century.


By approximately 2371, Levy had made the rank of lieutenant. (LD: "Caves")

In the episode, Boimler rants that Levy hadn’t been promoted past lieutenant in “like, a decade”.

In 2379, he and Beckett Mariner went on a date, during which he revealed himself to be a conspiracy theorist, suggesting that the Battle of Wolf 359 was an inside job.

In 2380, after it was revealed that Mariner was the daughter of Captain Carol Freeman, he encountered Mariner in one of the ship's corridors and asked if she could give a PADD (with a header on it that read "personal log") to her mother with some ideas he had as to how to decorate the captain's yacht. When she begrudgingly agreed, he stated that Changelings were not real, and that "the Dominion War didn't happen!" as he walked away. (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, Mariner overheard Levy "mansplaining" the difference between a pork pie and a fedora to a cadet. The interaction was later pulled from Mariner's thoughts by psychic mines and applied to the manifestation of Jennifer Sh'reyan appearing as a werewolf wearing a fedora. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")

Later that same year, he joined Brad Boimler on a dilithium survey on Kyron 4 when an ion storm forced them to take shelter in a cave. Levy's theories that the Vendorians were lurking on the planet got on Boimler's nerves, leading to the lieutenant junior grade to yell at him after he destroyed a transport vehicle he believed to be a Vendorian morality test. However, this drew out the Vendorians for real, revealing that Levy's theories (for once) were actually true to his surprise. When his continued theories surprised the Vendorians as he had somehow guessed how they reproduced, they spared the two and celebrated their knowledge, introducing them to a Vendorian who also dabbled in conspiracy theories. (LD: "Caves")



Background information[]

Levy was voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

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