Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Starship Mission Assignment chart

Starship Mission Assignments chart on the bridge of the Enterprise

Starship Mission Assignments was a chart listing starship deployments in a range of sectors. Two such charts were on display in the upper right, and lower left corners at the communications station, with an additional one in the upper right corner at the master situation station on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-A in 2293. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

In 2368, another slightly modified chart appeared on the bridge of the USS Bozeman after exiting a temporal causality loop that the ship had been trapped in since 2278. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

Starship Registry Location Current Assignment
USS Excelsior NCC-2000 Sector 21186 Deep Space Exploration
USS Potemkin NCC-1657 Sector 21185 Scientific Survey Mission
USS John Muir NCC-1732 Starbase 24 System Upgrade
USS Helin NCC-1692 Sector 21290 Neutral Zone Patrol
USS Endeavour NCC-1895 Sector 22849 Deep Space Exploration
USS Eagle NCC-956 Sector 22858 Colony Resupply
USS Republic NCC-1371 Sector 22956 Neutral Zone Patrol
USS Kongo NCC-1710 Sector 21803 Neutral Zone Patrol
USS Whorfin NCC-1024 Sector 21399 Deep Space Exploration
USS Springfield NCC-1963 Sector 21836 Neutral Zone Patrol
USS Challenger NCC-2032 Sector 21166 Deep Space Exploration
USS Constellation NX-1974 Starbase 24 Certification Tests
USS Scovill NCC-1598 Sector 21837 Astronomical Research
USS Lantree NCC-1837 Sector 22858 Colony Resupply
USS Oberth NCC-602 Sector 22958 Deep Space Exploration
USS Emden NCC-1856 Sector 21803 Neutral Zone Patrol
USS Korolev NCC-2014 Sector 21399 Diplomatic Mission
USS Ahwahnee NCC-2048 Sector 21835 Deep Space Exploration

Initially much of the information presented on this chart later appeared in the Star Trek Concordance. [1] It was the creator of the okudagram, Mike Okuda himself, who provided author Bjo Trimble with much of the detail of the chart. It is likely that the illegible locations are the same as those on the unseen sheet 4 of the Operation Retrieve briefing plans, as this had been corroborated by creator Okuda, who had stated that both charts were "consistent" with each other. [2] The known locations are the same on both the chart and page. The only difference is the location of the Constellation, which might be located at Starbase 24 on the chart, while it is located in Sector 23006 in the plans.

In 2023, the Roddenberry Archive had an interactive walkthrough of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A bridge as it appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country that all the information is presented here.
