Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Starfleet Com Net end screen

The end of a message through Starfleet Com Net

Starfleet Com Net was an official subspace communication channel used by Starfleet, overseen by Starfleet Communications.

In August 2151, Vice admiral Maxwell Forrest contacted Captain Jonathan Archer by using this channel at four in the morning to order him assisting the ECS Fortunate. The communication used the subspace band Theta 309, the relay Echo 1 on Transponder 4, and a frequency of 384.20 GHz. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

In 2287, James T. Kirk requested and received information on the hostages taken at Nimbus III from the Starfleet Galactic Memory Bank. The information, which was transmitted through Starfleet Com Net, included biographies, and still and moving images of the individuals. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

See also[]
