Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Star Trek and Star Wars: The Enlightenment versus the Anti-Enlightenment


In Star Trek and Star Wars: The Enlightenment versus the Anti-Enlightenment, George A. Gonzalez shows that these two behemoths of popular culture put the Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment before the viewing public. Star Trek is arguably the popular culture vehicle most reflective of the Enlightenment: a belief in political and social progress, leading to a society that is modern, classless, and totally free of gender and ethnic biases. The Star Wars franchise, meanwhile, is seemingly the artistic embodiment of the anti-Enlightenment: societal progress (to the extent that it occurs) is solely a function of technology and not a perfecting of justice and fairness. Gonzalez shows that this reflects the pessimism and demoralization underlying the Trump phenomenon and the rise of anti-democratic, virulent nationalism.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.


  • Introduction
    • 1. The Hegel/Marx Political Philosophy Paradigm
    • 2. Praxis: Enlightenment versus the Anti-Enlightenment
    • 3. Star Trek (Original Series) Against Patriarchy and Jim Crow
    • 4. The Early Cold War and Star Trek (Original Series)
    • 5. Star Trek and the Clash of Civilizations: Anti-Enlightenment versus Modernism (Universal Justice)
    • 6. Nazi Takeover of America: The Man in the High Castle and Star Trek
  • Conclusion – The Trump Phenomenon and the Anti-Enlightenment
  • Bibliography
  • Index