Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)


Delve into the history of IDW's Star Trek comics! Discover series you may have missed or revisit some old favorites in Year Four, Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment, and Alien Spotlight one-shots featuring Gorn, Vulcans, and Andorians.
The Star Trek Library Collection is a comprehensive line of books that will collect every Star Trek miniseries published by IDW! In Volume 3, read a selection of the Alien Spotlight one-shots and the entirety of the Star Trek: Year Four series.
Star Trek: Year Four and Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment are miniseries set during the fourth year of the U.S.S. Enterprise's five-year mission. Both feature the cast of the original series Star Trek. The first Star Trek: Year Four rejoins the Enterprise as it encounters a strange series of planets, arranged to look like a strand of DNA floating through space. The crew can't help but explore once Spock realizes that the desolate structure once supported more than 800 billion beings in the past. The Enterprise Experiment is a sequel to "The Enterprise Incident" and tells the story of the Federation's experiments with the Romulan cloaking device.
Star Trek's aliens – sometimes allies, sometimes antagonists, always enigmatic... until now! With the Alien Spotlight collection, readers can glimpse the Galaxy through the aliens' point of view! Included in this collection are two one-shots featuring extraterrestrials like the reptilian Gorn and the hyperlogical Vulcans. Plus, as an added bonus, guest appearances by Captains Pike and Terrell! This is one of the best-reviewed series in IDW's Star Trek line.
By writers David Tischman, D.C. Fontana, Derek Chester, Paul D. Storrie, Scott Tipton, David Tipton, and James Patrick with artists Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot, Leonard O'Grady, David Messina, and Josep Maria Beroy.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.


  1. Star Trek: Year Four
  2. Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment
  3. Alien Spotlight: The Gorn
  4. Alien Spotlight: Vulcans
  5. Alien Spotlight: Andorians

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Star Trek Library Collection, Volume 2 Star Trek Library Collection Star Trek Library Collection, Volume 4