Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the title given to the twenty-page movie program (including covers), presented to attendees of the 6 December 1979 world premiere of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, at the K-B MacArthur Theater in Washington, DC, and its subsequent reception at the Smithsonian Institute's National Air and Space Museum.


Background information[]

  • The chapters "Aliens" and "Production notes" actually did contain quotes from production staffers involved with the production.
  • Only made available to the guests of the world premiere event of 6 December 1979, additional copies could, for awhile, be obtained from New York City-based printer and distributor Parafen Publishing Corp. for $2.25 plus $1.50 shipping and handling, each. (back cover)
  • The program was edited by Anne Lampert and designed by Dana Bryan. (back cover)
  • Local printings of this program were available internationally in cinemas during the initial run of the movie.

External link[]
