Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
"Would you mind if I address the crowd? You can't expect a politician to give up an opportunity like this."
Jaro Essa to Li Nalas, 2370 ("The Homecoming")

A public speaking, a speech, an address, or an oratory was the act of giving a speech by an individual with the purpose of encouraging, informing, berating, ordering, or remembering. One who was proficiently gifted at the art of public speaking was known as an orator.

In 2161, Captain Jonathan Archer gave an important speech at the founding of the alliance which would later lead into the United Federation of Planets. Deanna Troi had to memorize this speech in grammar school. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

In 2256, Saru gave a recorded speech at the funeral of Captain Philippa Georgiou. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

Captain Jean-Luc Picard assumed that the speeches given at the Admirals' Banquet in 2370 would be boring. (TNG: "Phantasms")

Types of speeches[]

Notable speeches[]

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