Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Space-dwelling lifeform

Small space-dwelling lifeforms attaching to a larger one

Space-dwelling lifeform scan

Sensor scan of a small space-dwelling lifeform

For other space-dwelling lifeforms, please see space-dwelling organism.
For both space-dwelling and spaceborne lifeforms, please see spaceborne species.

Native to the Delta Quadrant, this space-dwelling lifeform was a spaceborne species. They propelled themselves through space via flagellation much like protozoa and were capable of approaching speeds up to 3,000 kilometers per second.

Space-dwelling lifeforms traveled in lightly dense swarms consisting of fewer than two thousand organisms. Among them was at least one dominant organism, physiologically similar to the others but much larger. This larger lifeform attracted mates by emitting a stream of plasma, causing the smaller lifeforms to attach themselves to the larger lifeform. In the process, the smaller lifeforms rolled over and changed their color from a dark red to a bright blue to indicate submissiveness.

The larger lifeforms also used their ability to emit plasma as an aggressive tactic, particularly towards a sexual rival.

These lifeforms did not appear to have a digestive system; instead, they had an extremely porous outer covering which they used to absorb particles directly from space. In addition, they were capable of generating their own magnetic wake.

USS Voyager encountered a swarm of space-dwelling lifeforms in 2371. While observing the creatures, the starship was pulled into the swarm by its magnetic wake. Aboard Voyager, the electrophoretic levels created by the swarm caused Kes' metabolic activity to increase. As a result, the young Ocampa entered a premature elogium.

During Voyager's attempts to escape the swarm, the smaller lifeforms experienced a sexual attraction to the starship's nacelle emissions and began attaching themselves to its hull. This was due to the fact that the vessel's subspace signature matched the plasma stream emitted by the larger, dominant lifeforms. Sensing a rivalry, one of the dominant lifeforms attacked Voyager. Determining the creatures' behaviors, the Voyager crew had the ship roll over and vent plasma residue to make the ship appear blue, signaling its submissiveness to the dominant creature. Voyager was then able to leave the swarm and continue on its journey towards the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: "Elogium")

The production design team of DS9: "Chimera" thought about reusing the design of the space-dwelling lifeform to portray Laas' space-dwelling form, but decided to create a new design instead. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 658)
