Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Harry Mudd police record

Harcourt Fenton Mudd's signature

A signature was one's own name written in one's handwriting for the purpose of indicating that one had read or approved of the contents of a document or report. A signature could also be provided as identifying evidence on one's records. Signatures given by famous individuals to fans were called autographs.

In 2259 of the alternate reality, Montgomery Scott refused to sign an order authorizing advanced long-range torpedoes to be loaded onto USS Enterprise without looking at the specifications first. When Captain James T. Kirk ordered him to sign, Scott resigned instead. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Harry Mudd's signature appeared under his photo on the police record found in USS Enterprise's library computer. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

In 2267, Yeoman Atkins showed James T. Kirk his signature on a fuel consumption report to prove to the aging captain that he had indeed signed it only moments ago, despite his not remembering having done so. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

In 2380, the closing credits for the holo-movie Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta featured the signatures of the USS Cerritos' "lower decks" crew. (LD: "Crisis Point")

This was a direct reference to the closing credits of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, which had the signatures of the regular cast included in the same manner.

See also[]

  • Anaphasic signature
  • Biosignature
  • Chroniton signature
  • Commbadge signature/Comm link signature
  • Dicobalt signature
  • Dilithium signature
  • Ditanium signature
  • Electromagnetic signature/EM signature
  • Energy signature
  • Engine signature
  • Force field signature
  • Gravimetric field signature
  • Harmonic signature
  • Hull signature
  • Impulse signature
  • Infrared signature
  • Interphasic signature
  • Ion signature
  • Isomorphic signature
  • Kemocite signature
  • Magneton signature
  • Neural signature
  • Neuroelectrical signature
  • Neutrino signature
  • Particle emission signature/Particle signature
  • Plasma signature
  • Power signature
  • Psionic signature
  • Quantum signature
  • Radiation signature
  • Radiolytic signature
  • Replicator signature
  • Resonance signature
  • Subatomic signature
  • Subspace signature
  • Tachyon signature
  • Temporal signature
  • Tetryon signature
  • Thermal signature
  • Transponder signature
  • Transporter signature
  • Transwarp signature
  • Tricobalt signature
  • Tritanium signature
  • Warp signature
  • Weapon signature

External link[]
