Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Security clearance or security verification was a level of authority given to an officer based on rank, status, and position. Computers then identified the individuals by the entry of their vocal or numerical authorization code. Alternatively, specially programmed isolinear rods entered into the computer could also allow various levels of security clearance. (DS9: "Babel", "The Passenger", "Vortex")

When Lieutenant Malcolm Reed stated to the Andorian Lieutenant Talas that he "wouldn't trust his own mother" with Enterprise NX-01's weapons frequencies, Talas found it an odd expression, as Talas' mother's security clearance was higher than hers. (ENT: "Proving Ground")

If an officer felt that they could no longer be trusted with clearance, it was possible for them to delete their own clearance, as demonstrated by Lieutenant Tuvok when he was destabilized by a mind meld with Crewman Lon Suder. (VOY: "Meld")

Kellin had a security clearance that was considered high among her people, the Ramurans, and thus had enough knowledge that she knew how to program a vessel to detect Ramuran vessels. (VOY: "Unforgettable")

Clearance level accessibility[]

pah doQ cha
Alpha Red priority
Level 1
Level 3 (and above)
Level 4 (and above)
Level 4 Alpha
  • Required access level for access to an alien starship's black box on the Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Affliction")
Level 5 (and above)
Level 6 (and above)
Level 7 (and above)

According to the script of "The Passenger", security clearance seven and above allowed access to runabout launch pads. This dialogue was not used on screen and the computer voice which said this did not appear.

Level 9
Level 10
Priority 3
  • Required to release information on a starship's defense and navigational systems. (TNG: "Data's Day")
Sigma 9

Personal clearance levels[]

Alpha 1
Alpha 2
Level 1
Level 3
Level 4
Level 4 Alpha
Level 6
Level 7
Level 9
Level 10
Level Red
Priority 3
Sigma 9

According to the script for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Security Class 1 was used by flag officers on the Starfleet General Staff for accessing information on classified projects. Rear Admiral James T. Kirk used this clearance when he was researching Project Genesis. This clearance was not referenced in the theatrical nor director's cut of the film.

External link[]
