Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The Schlerm were a humanoid species and noted members of the Federation during the late 32nd century. (DIS: "...But to Connect")


In an alternate reality this species was already associated with the Federation by 2263, and were present aboard Starbase Yorktown. (Star Trek Beyond)

By 3190, they were full-fledged members of the Federation, with several members serving in Starfleet. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru", "The Examples")


The Schlerm had a hooded head with four eyes and four additional appendages (either just ears or a set of ears and a set of horns), with a mouth located below, near the breast bone.

Their skin color varied from brown, green, or pink.




Background information[]

Schlerm name and symbol

Close-up of symbol and name

This species was initially unnamed on-screen, and was identified on Star Trek: Beyond's prosthetic designer Joel Harlow's website as "Shlerm". [1] [2](X)

The name of the species was identified on-screen as "Schlerm", where it appeared on the delegate's voting holo and a voting tally in DIS: "...But to Connect". A close-up of the tally was later released by graphic designer Timothy Peel. [3]

According to Timothy Peel, their homeworld, pictured on a hologram in "Red Directive", was the planet Schlerm IV. [4]
