Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed Kelpiens.

Kaminar councillors []

... (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

Kaminar villagers []

These villagers lived in Saru's home village on Kaminar. Saru and his sister Siranna witnessed eight of them being harvested by the Ba'ul, in a ceremony presided over by Aradar. Later, Aradar played dice with three other villagers. (ST: "The Brightest Star")

A number of villagers were also seen when Saru returned to his home village, accompanied by Michael Burnham. (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")

In "The Brightest Star", two female villagers were portrayed by Lisa Auguste and Krista Deady, while three of the male villagers were portrayed by Clayton Scott, David Benjamin Tomlinson, and Adam Winlove-Smith. The remaining villagers were portrayed by unknown background actors.

In "The Sound of Thunder", two of the villagers were portrayed by David Benjamin Tomlinson (credited) and Clayton Scott (uncredited).

Mirror universe servant []

... (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

The Kelpien was portrayed by David Benjamin Tomlinson.

Mirror universe slaves []

Kelpien slaves

Kelpien slaves in the mirror universe

Emperor Philippa Georgiou presented Michael Burnham with three slaves to choose from. Unknown to Burnham, the chosen Kelpien was then killed, cooked, and served to her and the emperor. (DIS: "Vaulting Ambition", "The War Without, The War Within")

The chosen Kelpien was portrayed by Clayton Scott. The other two were portrayed by unknown background actors.

Saru's mother []

The mother of Saru and Siranna was taken by the Ba'ul, a fact Siranna lamented along with the loss of her father after learning the truth about the Great Balance. (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")

In the episode, Siranna informed Saru of the taking of their father, but not their mother. This suggests that their mother was taken before Saru left Kaminar.

Su'Kal's family []

... (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

This family was only mentioned in dialogue.

Su'Kal's father []

This individual fathered Su'Kal with Issa. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

This father was only mentioned in dialogue.
