Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
The Explored Galaxy

The location of Sarpeid in "The Milky Way" star chart

Sarpeid was a location in the Alpha Quadrant.

In 2293, Sarpeid's position in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in a star chart that was in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram)

In 2365, the location of Sarpeid was labeled in a Subspace Comm Net Ops star chart, which was seen in the courtroom on Starbase 173. This location was linked to the Sol system. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man")

This location was only mentioned in writing.

In August 2024, an annotated computer paste-up of the Subspace Comm Net Ops star chart was put up for auction in the Entertainment Memorabiliia Live Auction: Los Angeles Summer 2024 by Propstore Auction. [1]

According to deleted lines from the final draft script for TOS: "All Our Yesterdays" dated 12 December 1968, the name of the Sarpeidon natives was identified as "Sarpeids".

See also[]
