Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe

For the prime universe counterpart, please see Sarek.
"Master Sarek sees all. His wisdom pierces minds. If you truly come in peace, he will find it in your heart."
– Voq to Michael Burnham, 2256 ("The Wolf Inside")

Sarek was a male Vulcan 23rd century member of a multi-species rebellion against the Terran Empire.

By 2257, he was a trusted advisor to Voq the Fire Wolf, who referred to him as "The Prophet" and "Master Sarek." When Michael Burnham came to warn the rebels of an impending Terran attack on Harlak, Sarek mind melded with her to evaluate her intentions.

Voq and Sarek heeded Burnham's warning and began evacuating, but were interrupted by Emperor Philippa Georgiou, who arrived in the ISS Charon and bombarded Harlak's surface, destroying the base and much of the continent. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")

The mirror Sarek was played by actor James Frain.

It is unknown whether Sarek escaped the destruction of the base.

While this was not established on screen, it can be assumed that he was still the father of his universe's version of Spock.

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