Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Samuel Beckett was a 20th century Irish playwright, author, and poet.

In 2370, Benjamin Sisko referred to Beckett, along with similarly-natured Vincent van Gogh and Y'Raka, as an example of pessimistic artists who created something of great worth. Contrary to this view, Gideon Seyetik described their works as "dreary, dark and depressing". (DS9: "Second Sight")


Background information[]

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Ira Steven Behr is a reader of Beckett and was inspired by Waiting for Godot when writing "The Ascent". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p 400)

In Behr's The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, Behr jokes that his "proudest moment in show business came when he was chosen to collaborate with Samuel Beckett on a Broadway musical of the film Rocky".

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