Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Salutatorian was the title given to a member of a graduating class with the second highest grades in their class.

Hoshi Sato graduated second in her class, before spending three years in Starfleet training. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

In 2368, Julian Bashir became salutatorian of his graduating class from the Starfleet Medical Academy. Elizabeth Lense was valedictorian. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice", "Distant Voices", "Explorers")

According to his medical school diaries, he wrote his innermost thoughts, including his struggle to graduate top of his class, his dream of a career in Starfleet, and his constant fear of failure. (DS9: "Armageddon Game")

One year later, Doctor Bashir told the story of his exam and how he became a salutatorian to a Bajoran woman he dated at the replimat. (DS9: "Q-Less")

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