Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed SD-103-type shuttlecraft.

Drydock shuttle []

SD-103 type shuttle, 2293

Shuttle at the drydock

This orbital shuttle was docked at the same spacedock that the USS Enterprise-B was launched from in 2293. (Star Trek Generations)

NAR-30974 SD-103 type shuttle
A small model of this type of shuttle was part of the Starfleet Drydock studio model used in Generations and was briefly seen on screen. While the shuttle was too small to be readily identifiable in the film, it can be clearly seen in pictures taken of the model. [1]

Farragut shuttlecrafts []

Farragut shuttlecraft

The shuttle from the Farragut

SD-103 type shuttle, 2371

A shuttle on the crashed Enterprise-D's saucer

In 2371, these orbital shuttles assigned to the USS Farragut assisted in the evacuation of USS Enterprise's personnel from the surface of Veridian III after the latter ship's saucer section had crash landed there. (Star Trek Generations)
