Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

For the Star Trek: Short Treks episode with a similar title, please see "Runaway".
For a person that has run away, please see renegade; for the comic with a similar title, please see Runaway.

The Runaway was a Starfleet ground vehicle that was carried aboard the USS Protostar in the 2380s, for the purpose of planetary exploration. The vehicle bore the number "07".

Made with a tritanium chassis, this ground vehicle was equipped with accelerated ion propulsion, along with holo- and impulse steering. Its interior consisted of four seats, described as having the appearance of leather, and "hold-on-to-your-butts" grab handles. Designed for the average humanoid in mind, the interior was too small for Brikars, but was more than strong enough to at least carry one behind the cockpit. The vehicle was stored (assuming it was not produced from the vehicle replicator first) and deployed from the ship's shuttlebay during planetary landings. (PRO: "Dream Catcher")

The Runaway "07" was used on and later consumed by the Murder Planet in 2383. (PRO: "Dream Catcher", "Terror Firma")

While marooned for ten years on Ysida, Chakotay had a Runaway, but it broke down years before Dal R'El, Rok-Tahk, Jankom Pog, Gwyndala, Murf, Zero and Maj'el found him and become rusted. However, Jankom was able to repair the vehicle which Chakotay, Jankom, Gwyn and Murf used to rescue Dal when he went missing during an ion maelstrom. In the process, it was revealed that the Runaway's wheels could tilt downwards, which in turn activated some sort of device that allowed the vehicle to hover. After finding Dal and Adreek-Hu's body, the crew used the Runaway to return to the Protostar. (PRO: "Last Flight of the Protostar, Part I")

When the ship got stuck as the crew were launching it into the planet's vapor ocean, Dal tried to use the Runaway to pull it free without any success. After Chakotay, Rok and Murf instead used a lever to move the rock, the ship came free and slid into the vapor ocean. The Runaway was then abandoned on the island as the Protostar set sail. (PRO: "Last Flight of the Protostar, Part II")

The Runaway was designed by Gus Mendonça. [1]

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