Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the 24th century admiral, please see William Ross.

Chief Ross was a female Human Starfleet enlisted crewman who lived during the mid-23rd century. She worked in the engineering and maintenance branches of the operations division as an engineering technician. In the mid-2270s, she served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk.

She overheard Captain Kirk issue Starfleet Order 2005 to Chief Engineer Scott in his attempt to prevent V'ger from destroying Earth. Horrified, Ross asked Scott why the captain ordered the self-destruct and whether or not it would successfully destroy V'ger. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Chief Ross was played by actress Terrence O'Connor. This character was only named in the source's end credits. Although she was addressed as a chief (chief petty officer), her uniform had no rank insignia.

The novel Ex Machina, gave Chief Ross the first name "Theresa", the author's annotations indicate that she was not intended to be the same character as Yeoman Teresa Ross in Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Squire of Gothos". [1]

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