Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rear Admiral Rollman was a Human female Starfleet flag officer who served during the mid-24th century.

In 2369, Rollman was attending a staff meeting when Kira Nerys contacted her about being unhappy about Benjamin Sisko's handling of the matter of asylum for the Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los. Rollman later contacted Sisko, warning him a serious problem was developing on Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Past Prologue")

A year later, Rollman was assigned as commanding officer of Starbase 401 when a replicant of Miles O'Brien contacted her as he believed that there was a conspiracy on Deep Space 9. Rollman ordered him to return to the station but the replicant disobeyed this order and proceeded to head to Parada IV, where he learned the truth about his origin. (DS9: "Whispers")


Background information[]

Admiral Rollman was played by actress Susan Bay who is the widow of Spock actor, Leonard Nimoy.

The scripts for both "Past Prologue" and "Whispers" list her role as simply "ADMIRAL". Her name comes from dialogue. [1] [2]


Rollman makes an appearance in the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Losing the Peace, in which she still serves as commanding officer of Starbase 401 in the year 2381. In that year, she participates in a Starfleet conference to discuss the aftermath of the Borg invasion and the help of the Caeliar in stopping their onslaught. Rollman questions whether or not it actually was Hernandez of the Columbia NX-02 that had helped them.

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