Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Robyn Johnson is a producer.

She is an associate producer of Star Trek: Discovery beginning with the second season episode "Light and Shadows", an executive producer for the third season, a co-producer of Star Trek: Lower Decks, and an associate producer on Star Trek: Picard

Prior to becoming a producer, Johnson worked as an assistant to Alex Kurtzman on the first season of Star Trek: Discovery and the first episode, "Runaway", of Star Trek: Short Treks. She moved into the role of associated producer on Star Trek: Short Treks for the remainder of the first season before becoming co-producer of the second season. She also worked on as an assistant on Instinct, The Mummy (2017), and the live action versions of Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella.

In universe, the Tactical Ops personnel R. Johnson and R. Johnson (mirror) on the Discovery and ISS Discovery dedication plaques are named after her.

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