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Memory Alpha

King Ridley was a fictional character from the storybook The Kingdom of Elysian, written by Benny Russell.

He was one of three monarchs who ruled in the magical Kingdom of Elysian. In the story, it was imperative that King Ridley keep the location of the powerful Mercury Stone a secret from the evil Queen Neve, who was seeking it, to use its power to take over all of Elysian.

Sir Adya was Ridley's loyal guard and his chamberlain was the not-so-loyal and not-so brave Amand Rauth.

Princess Thalia, who ruled the eastern region of the kingdom, seemed to be in a romantic relationship with King Ridley, as they were shown embracing on a page just before the page that said "The End."

During the 23rd century, Doctor Joseph M'Benga often read about Ridley to his daughter, Rukiya. In 2259, when an entity in a nebula transformed the crew of the Enterprise into various characters from that book, it was Rukiya's own father who took on the role of Ridley, although unlike all other members of the crew, aside from Hemmer; he was actually very much aware that what he was experiencing was nothing more than a fantasy. (SNW: "The Elysian Kingdom")
