Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Richter was a 24th century Human news reporter who worked for the Federation News Network.

In 2399, she was given permission to interview retired Federation Starfleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard at his château in La Barre, France. Picard had consented to the interview under the condition that Richter did not ask about why he had left Starfleet. These conditions were reviewed by either Richter or a representative of FNN, and Picard's housekeeper Zhaban three times.

During the interview, Richter asked about Picard's efforts in the evacuation of the Romulans to safe star systems as a result of the Romulan supernova crisis. Then she reminded Picard that some Federation citizens felt that it was a waste of resources to help citizens of an enemy state, especially with the disaster that took place on Mars.

Richter then asked if Picard had ever lost faith in his late second officer Data. His answer was a clear "Never." He also made it clear to her that he felt that banning the development of synths was a mistake. She continued to probe him, asking why he quit Starfleet (in violation of the interview condition agreement) and if it was some sort of protest. Picard then remarked that he felt it no longer was Starfleet. In anger, he told her that they were ordered to withdraw from Romulan space just when the Romulans needed them most. He ended the interview, walking away from his chair saying "We're done here." (PIC: "Remembrance")

She was played by Merrin Dungey.

Richter's name is not given in dialogue, but is given in the episode's credits. Dungey herself has confirmed her character's full name being scripted as "Richter Kalungay". [1]
