Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
Random House logo

Random House, LLC is a United States-based publishing house and was founded by Bennett Cerf, Christopher Coombes, and Donald Klopfer in 1927.

In 1998, Random House was acquired by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, becoming the world's largest publishing house. In 2013, following a further merger with Pearson plc, Bertelsmann was restructured and Random House became an imprint and publishing group within its Penguin Random House division.

The company is commonly known as the publisher of the American College Dictionary, the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, and the Random House Webster's College Dictionary.

Star Trek publications[]

Random House published a number of Star Trek books in 1976 and 1977, including Star Trek Action Toy Book, Giant in the Universe, Trillions of Trilligs, The Truth Machine, and The Prisoner of Vega.

The company is now the owner of a number of past Star Trek publishers, including Ballantine Books, Bantam Books, Del Rey, Virgin Books, and Heyne Verlag. They also publish audiobooks under their Random House Audio imprint.

Commencing in 2018, Eaglemoss Collections began to publish (and republish) a number of mass-market hardcover Star Trek reference books under its Hero Collector imprint, in association with the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection partwork and its Discovery spin-off. These volumes were published through Penguin Random House's Publisher Services division. [1]

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