Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Psychoanalysis was a technique in psychology.

In 2257, when Michael Burnham asked Spock if he was more angry at her or himself, he warned her not to psychoanalyze him, saying that better minds than hers had tried and failed. (DIS: "If Memory Serves")

In 2370, Lieutenant Commander Data visited a hologram of Sigmund Freud on a holodeck of the USS Enterprise-D for psychoanalysis after he experienced nightmarish imagery generated by his dream program. Data did not find himself helped by the analysis and when he expressed as much, Freud described his reaction as transference and recommended a full course of psychoanalysis, which he told him he could fit in next Tuesday. Data, however, replied that it would not be necessary and terminated the program. (TNG: "Phantasms")

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