Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A Mintakan, a proto-Vulcan humanoid

A proto-Vulcan humanoid was a humanoid species which showed traits of early Vulcans.

In 2366, anthropologist Doctor Barron's preliminary reports indicated that the Mintakans were proto-Vulcan humanoids at the Bronze Age level. This meant that they were quite peaceful and highly logical. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers")

Other proto-Vulcan humanoids might include the Rigelians, Remans, Halanans, and Arretans. Vulcans and their offshoots (Romulans and Debrune) are likely still considered Vulcan humanoids themselves. These species were often referred to as "Vulcanoid" in non-canon works such as the Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual, Death's Angel, Vulcan's Heart, Crisis of Consciousness, and the Vulcan's Soul trilogy.

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