Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Preanimate matter or preanimate biomatter was one of the fundamental building blocks of organic life. It was not truly alive, but displayed potential.

While scanning Ceti Alpha V in conjunction with Project Genesis, the USS Reliant detected a minor energy flux reading on one of the ship's dynoscanners, leading the crew to believe that the scanner was out of adjustment, that it contained life or that a particle of preanimate matter was caught in the matrix. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

A piece of preanimate biomatter was found on an asteroid in 2377 by The Doctor, who discussed the depths of the discovery to 7 of 9. When she explained that all she saw was an undeveloped nucleus contained in a cytoplasmic matrix, The Doctor added that buried deep within the nucleus were primitive strands of DNA – "the beginnings of life." (VOY: "Body and Soul")
