Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Power cell hyperspanner

A 22nd century power cell

Phaser cannon power cell

Jadzia Dax holding a depleted power cell

Power cell from Alice

Burned out power cell taken from Alice

Power cell from Voyager

Power cell from Voyager's secondary warp assembly

Tricorder power cell

Tricorder power cell

A power cell was the component, often removable or transportable, of a number of technological devices that supplied the energy necessary for the device to operate, on both small and large scales.

Power cells could be reconfigured to give off false dilithium readings. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")

In 2153, Malcolm Reed tried to cross-polarize the power cells of a phase-pistol to gain the efficiency. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Shortly after believing he had seen two Xindi-Insectoids which were actually hallucinatory, Doctor Phlox loaded an empty phase-pistol with a power cell. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")

In early 2154, T'Pol obtained some portable power cells from Xindi allies and gave them, in an equipment case, to Enterprise Chief Engineer Charles Tucker III. T'Pol thought the power cells would help him with repairs but, angered by the Xindi, he kicked the equipment case down a corridor. (ENT: "The Forgotten") Installing the portable power cells proved somewhat difficult for the Starfleet engineering staff aboard Enterprise to do, so Tucker later asked Xindi-Humanoid Degra to help them, which Degra was happy to do. (ENT: "The Council")

In 2257, Christopher Pike traded a power cell with Jacob for his camera helmet from circa 2053. (DIS: "New Eden")

Data was powered by power cells. When he seemed to be in a coma-like state in early 2368, his power cells were functioning properly and were not causing his unconsciousness. (TNG: "The Game") Plasma lanterns and hyperspanners both utilized power cells to operate. (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve"; ENT: "Minefield")

The type 2 phaser had a small, removable power cell which generates enough power to activate a transporter. (TNG: "The Hunted") Hand phasers and disruptors alike were, however, unable to work with cracked or empty power cells. (DS9: "Second Skin", "Let He Who Is Without Sin...", "Ferengi Love Songs", "The Darkness and the Light", "Resurrection")

Chief Miles O'Brien once considered draining the power cells of phasers to provide a power source for a makeshift transmitter. He however realized that it could not be done because he did not have a converter to bridge the power cells from the phasers to his proposed makeshift subspace transmitter (combadges tied into a sensor array), nor did he have the ion exchange matrix he needed to build the necessary converter. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")

Large power cells were used to supply power to phaser arrays on starships. The crew of the USS Defiant made a ritual of displaying depleted power cells during the Dominion War. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")

A couple of the phaser array power cells from "Behind the Lines" have appeared in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay and were sold for US$941 and $960. [1] [2]

The crew of USS Voyager used power cells to stockpile deuterium for their energy reserve. Additionally, they used a power cell to get emergency power online, which was accomplished by hooking it into to the ship's EPS manifold. (VOY: "Night") They could also be used to supplement the ship's power grid. (VOY: "Timeless")

Emergency power cells were used aboard Constitution-class starships when main engines were out. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2370, Jean-Luc Picard found a power cell aboard a Terellian cargo freighter that he thought he could use to reactivate his shuttlecraft's engines. Although the energy relays were corroded, he was able to use a tricorder to regenerate the cell, a process that took a couple of hours. (TNG: "Liaisons")

In 2374, a Hirogen hunting party set a trap for Harry Kim and Lyndsay Ballard in the Vyntadi Expanse by reconfiguring a power cell to emit a false dilithium signature. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")

In 2376, Tom Paris traded three used power cells and his jukebox to Abaddon for a sentient starship he would christen Alice. Under "her" influence, he would later take four power cells from USS Voyager's secondary warp assembly without authorization to repair her. (VOY: "Alice")

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