Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Plasma fire

A plasma fire burns on the outer hull of the Enterprise NX-01

A plasma fire was a type of fire that was fueled by warp plasma or another type of super-energized gas. Plasma fires could be caused by ruptures in a plasma conduit, the electro-plasma system, or some other high-energy power system. Plasma fires had a characteristic green color and emitted radiation that was dangerous to humanoids. (ENT: "The Forgotten"; TNG: "Disaster")

Plasma fires broke out within the Enterprise NX-01 after it struck a Romulan mine in 2152. (ENT: "Minefield")

In 2368, an energy conduit ruptured and ignited the polyduranide behind a wall in the cargo bay aboard the USS Enterprise-D when the ship ran into a quantum filament, causing a plasma fire. Dr. Crusher and Commander La Forge were trapped in the cargo bay but managed to put out the fire by opening the cargo bay doors to space and depriving it of oxygen. (TNG: "Disaster")

When a Cardassian counter-insurgency program was activated on Deep Space 9 in 2371, a power surge near the main fusion reactors caused a plasma fire in a maintenance conduit. (DS9: "Civil Defense")

In 2372, a plasma fire broke out in the engine room of the USS Defiant after it was damaged by the collapse of an artificial wormhole. (DS9: "Rejoined")

Also in 2372, a huge plasma fire broke out in main engineering on USS Voyager while crew member Michael Jonas attempted to seize the ship for the Kazon while the Kazon were attacking. After fighting with Neelix, he fell into the plasma fire and was vaporized. (VOY: "Investigations")

While attempting to escape the Insurrection Alpha holodeck program in 2373, Lieutenants Tuvok and Tom Paris encountered an inexplicable plasma fire in a Jefferies tube. Paris speculated that it was the holographic Seska toying with them. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario")

Ensign Harry Kim detected plasma fires on the surface of a planetoid where the Delta Flyer crashed in 2375. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

The D53 on California-class starships was prone to sparking and causing small plasma fires. One such fire occurred on the USS Cerritos in 2380. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")
