Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A philanthropist was someone who performed personal acts for the benefit of others, or the public at large. This often involved the giving of significant amounts of money or labor.

The 20th century Human Henry Starling was summarized by Braxton as the "CEO [of] Chronowerx Industries. Philanthropist, entrepreneur, outstanding citizen." (VOY: "Future's End")

Carter Winston was known as the foremost philanthropist in the Federation during the 23rd century, often using his vast wealth to save Federation colonies from disaster. (TAS: "The Survivor")

In 2372, FCA Liquidator Brunt accused Quark of being a philanthropist due to the manner in which he conducted business activities at his bar. He used the term disparagingly, as such activity is frowned upon by Ferengi society. (DS9: "Body Parts")

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