Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Doctor Orpax was a 24th century Ferengi physician, one of the most expensive doctors on Ferenginar. He charged two slips of latinum just to walk into the waiting room.

In 2372, Quark visited Dr. Orpax for his annual insurance physical. He mistakenly diagnosed Quark with Dorek Syndrome, a fatal and rare disease. Orpax sent a message to Doctor Bashir that stated that Quark did not have Dorek Syndrome. Quark was overjoyed, as it meant he could sue Orpax for malpractice. (DS9: "Body Parts")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Orpax appears in the Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novella Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed, in which he supervises the birth of Grand Nagus Rom and Leeta's first child Bena.

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