Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The homeworld of the warp-capable Orions, Orion was an inhabited planet in the Pi³ Orionis system. This star was located in the Orion sector of the Alpha Quadrant. This planet was near to the route that a spacecraft would travel from Deep Space 9 to Earth. (TNG: "Conspiracy", display graphic; DS9: "Little Green Men")

The Adashake Center was a scenic square on Orion. The planet was noted for its aquifers.

Orion did not have sand, but only sharp pebbles. The planet did not have dogs. (LD: "Second Contact", "Much Ado About Boimler", "A Few Badgeys More") They were populated with riding animals that resembled rhinoceroses. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")


In 2256, this planet's location was labeled on the star chart "Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview" in the ready room aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")

In 2259, the location of this planet was labeled on a stellar cartography chart that was seen on the USS Enterprise's ready room viewscreen. This planet's symbol had a blue color, indicating that it was affiliated with the United Federation of Planets. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Spock Amok")

The Explored Galaxy

The location of Orion on "The Explored Galaxy" star chart

In 2293, the location of Orion in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in a star chart that was in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram)

In 2365, the location of Orion was labeled in a Subspace Comm Net Ops star chart, which was seen in the courtroom on Starbase 173. This planet was linked to an unnamed location. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man")

In August 2024, an annotated computer paste-up of this star chart was put up for auction in the Entertainment Memorabiliia Live Auction: Los Angeles Summer 2024 by Propstore Auction. [1]

The system's location was labeled in a Federation star chart that was in Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy's office at Starfleet Headquarters in 2399 and on the bridge of the USS Titan-A in 2401. Orion was in or near to Federation space. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The Next Generation", "Disengage")

In 2401, this planet's position was labeled on a star chart used by Captain William T. Riker during his attempt at finding the last known location of the SS Eleos XII. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

In 3189, the location of Orion was denoted on a holographic star chart of the galaxy at Federation Headquarters. Orion was located in Emerald Chain territory. (DIS: "Scavengers")

In 3190, the location of Orion was labeled on a star chart used by Commander Paul Stamets for tracking the movement of the Dark Matter Anomaly through the galaxy. (DIS: "The Examples")


Orion once harbored a highly advanced civilization whose history had drawn great interest from Federation historians and archaeologists alike. During the mid-23rd century, noted Federation archaeologist Doctor Roger Korby translated medical records from the Orion ruins that helped revolutionize modern immunization techniques and were required reading at Starfleet Academy. In 2269, through the assistance of the Guardian of Forever, Starfleet officers Captain James T. Kirk, Commander Spock and historian Lieutenant Erickson traveled to the dawn of Orion's civilization to view the planet's history unfold firsthand. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"; TAS: "Yesteryear")

In 2257, during the first Federation-Klingon War, this planet was near the front line. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")

In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy claimed that he made a Finagle's Folly that was "known from here to Orion." (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

Devna, an Orion trapped in Elysia, told Kirk that she wished to return through the time barrier and see Orion again. Kirk offered to take her back with him, but she declined, stating that she had accepted where she now was in life. (TAS: "The Time Trap")

In 2372, Ferengi entrepreneur Quark attempted to smuggle kemocite on a highly profitable side trip to Orion under the guise of taking his ship, Quark's Treasure, on a test flight to Earth. This proved to be unsuccessful due to sabotage. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

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Background information[]

In the final draft script for "The Menagerie, Part II", a scene set on the Orion colony (according to dialogue) was stated, in the teleplay's scene descriptions, to be "on Orien" (that spelling was consistently used for anything Orion in the two-parter's script).

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 36, 45, 60), the planet Orion had been visited by Zefram Cochrane on his final voyage in 2120. Orion was a non-aligned world before and after 2161, the founding date of the Federation. In 2378, Orion was a destination on the major space lanes.

According to Michael Chabon, the device Raffi Musiker used to "sublimate" snakeleaf, called a horgl, was from Orion and had been employed for centuries there. [2]


According to Star Trek Maps (p. 36), the Rigel system and the Orion system were one and the same. The planet Orion was the eighth planet in the system. This is corroborated by The Worlds of the Federation and FASA's The Orions sourcebook, which names the Orion homeworld as "Botchok".

According to Star Trek: The Next Generation - Core Game Book, the Orion homeworld is Rigel VII.

The reference book The Worlds of the Federation and the novels Prime Directive and Death Count indicate that the Orion homeworld is Rigel VIII, a high-gravity planet.

In the novels A Choice of Futures and Tower of Babel, Orion was called "Pi 3 Orionis III". The novel Silent Weapons simply calls it "Orion" or the "Orion homeworld", and the novel The Light Fantastic calls it "Orion Prime." All these novels share the continuity, and refer to the same planet.

In Star Trek Online, Orion Prime is the second planet in the Orion system, which has five worlds. It is also deserted due to excessive pollution.

According to the Kelvin timeline comic book Reunion, Part 1, the Orion homeworld was called "Vondem" and was located in the Alnilam system.

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