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Memory Alpha
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Original Sin is a Pocket DS9 novel by David R. George III, released in September 2017. The novel carries the subtitle Gamma, to indicate a focus on Benjamin Sisko's command of the USS Robinson (β) during an extended exploratory mission in the Gamma Quadrant.


Solicitation blurb
At the end of 2385, in a significant shift of its goals from military back to exploratory, Starfleet sent Captain Benjamin Sisko and the crew of the USS Robinson on an extended mission into the Gamma Quadrant. Tasked with a years-long assignment to travel unknown regions, they set out to fulfill the heart of Starfleet's charter: to explore strange new worlds, and to seek out new life and new civilizations.
But now three months into the mission, their first contact with an alien species comes in the form of an unprovoked attack on the Robinson. With the ship’s crew suddenly incapacitated, seventy-eight of the 1,300 aboard are abducted—including Sisko's daughter, Rebecca. But Rebecca had already been kidnapped years earlier by a Bajoran religious zealot, part of a sect believing that her birth fulfilled the prophecy of the arrival of the Infant Avatar. Does her disappearance now have anything to do with the harrowing events of the past? And for what purposes have these enemies taken Sisko's daughter and the rest of the missing?

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Enigma Tales Pocket DS9 I, The Constable (eBook)