Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Mercy is not a quality that will serve you well in the Expanse, Captain."
Orgoth, to Jonathan Archer, 2153 ("Anomaly (ENT)")

Orgoth was an Osaarian male captured by Captain Jonathan Archer in 2153 when the Osaarian crew robbed the starship Enterprise NX-01 of valuable weapons and supplies. He was reluctant to give up information, but eventually cooperated when Archer resorted to unorthodox interrogation techniques.

Orgoth was serving on one of the two Osaarian ships that entered the Delphic Expanse. Initially, these were merchant ships looking for new trade routes. One of them was destroyed attempting to exit the Expanse, while the other was forced to resort to piracy. Orgoth quickly learned of the dangers of this area of space – his face was disfigured, the result of one of the mysterious spatial anomalies that populate the Expanse. After assisting Enterprise, Orgoth was released to his people by Archer. Orgoth noted that mercy was not a quality that would serve the captain well in the Expanse. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

Later that year, Orgoth's tortuous interrogation under Archer's supervision was discovered by Triannon Pri'Nam D'Jamat, while reading Archer's captain's logs. When Archer tried to defend his own actions to D'Jamat, he mentioned that Orgoth had not been hurt. (ENT: "Chosen Realm")

Orgoth was played by actor Robert Rusler.

When Orgoth was introduced in the final draft script of "Anomaly", a note about him remarked, "We may notice the features on one side of his face are strangely DISTORTED in a distinctive fashion."
