Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Operation Retrieve, page 1

The Operation Retrieve star chart

The command briefing for Operation Retrieve included a star chart which located many prominent celestial bodies and the location of three starships in Federation and Klingon space. This chart was divided into squares. A thin black line demarcated the border between the two interstellar governments. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

A coordinate system has been arbitrarily assigned for this chart. The x-axis starts at A and ends at P (left to right), and the y-axis starts at 1 and ends at 7 (top to bottom).

Locations on Operation Retrieve chart
Name Type Affiliation X,Y Notes
Alpha Bayard astronomical object Federation G, 6 (none)
Alpha Beaird astronomical object Klingon N, 4 (none)
Alpha Cooper astronomical object Klingon K, 3 (none)
Alpha Crum astronomical object Federation D, 5 (none)
Alpha Glover astronomical object Klingon E, 2 (none)
Alpha Johnson astronomical object Klingon E, 2 (none)
Alpha McCusker astronomical object Klingon N, 3 (none)
Alpha Meyers astronomical object Klingon K, 3 (none)
Alpha Saunders astronomical object Klingon P,1 (none)
Alpha Suhr astronomical object Klingon M, 3 (none)
Apperson's Asteroid asteroid Federation D, 4 (none)
Arnold's Planet planet Federation J, 6 (none)
Baber Nebula nebula Klingon B, 2 (none)
Barnes Nebula nebula Klingon I, 2 (none)
Barnett's Star star Federation E, 6 (none)
Bergman's Planet planet Klingon F, 1 (none)
Beta Christenberry astronomical object Klingon M, 3 (none)
Beta Cook astronomical object Federation B, 3 (none)
Beta Flinn astronomical object Klingon J, 2 (none)
Beta Friedlich astronomical object Federation B, 6 (none)
Beta Garretson astronomical object Klingon N, 7 (none)
Beta Gonzales astronomical object Klingon O, 5 (none)
Beta Lingard astronomical object Klingon C, 2 (none)
Beta Michaels astronomical object Klingon H, 1 (none)
Beta Schwartz astronomical object Federation D, 3 (none)
Beta Sternbach astronomical object Federation G, 5 (none)
Breton's Planet planet Klingon C, 2 (none)
Brookshire's Planet planet Federation B, 3 (none)
Buckley's Planet planet Klingon O, 4 (none)
Cantamessa's Star star Klingon N, 6 (none)
Cole's Star star Federation E, 3 (none)
Cybulski's Planet planet Klingon N, 3 (none)
Delta Hart astronomical object Klingon K, 1 (none)
Downer's Star star Federation F, 4 (none)
Farrar's World planet Klingon E, 1 (none)
Foster Nebula nebula Federation F, 7 (none)
Frazee's Nova nova Federation A, 4 (none)
Friedlich Nebula nebula Federation B, 7 (none)
Gamma Fitzgerald astronomical object Federation E, 6 (none)
Gauger Star star Klingon N, 5 (none)
Gullory Nebula nebula Klingon L, 2 (none)
Harstedt's Planet planet Klingon C, 1 (none)
Hershman's Star star Klingon A, 1 (none)
Hodges Nebula nebula Klingon B, 2 (none)
Jaffeworld planet Klingon M, 6 (none)
Latonaworld planet Federation A, 6 (none)
Molly's Star star Klingon L, 5 (none)
Moreyworld planet Klingon O, 2 (none)
Meyer's Star star Federation H, 4 (none)
Narita's Planet planet Klingon G, 2 (none)
Nimoy's Star star Federation E, 5 (none)
Nollman's Planet planet Klingon I, 3 (none)
Nuzzo Station space station Klingon H, 3 represented by a Klingon logo
Okrand Colony colony Klingon N, 1 represented by a Klingon logo
Rao-Beyers astronomical object Federation I, 5 (none)
Rooseworld planet Klingon O, 6 (none)
Rura Penthe planet Klingon J, 3 planet's star was identified as Beta Penthe (stellar index 934-83294)
Sasgen's Star star Klingon O, 2 (none)
Sigma Trotti astronomical object Federation F, 3 (none)
Starbase 24 starbase Federation A, 5 represented by a Starfleet logo; location of the USS John Muir
Stevens Nebula nebula Klingon P, 5 (none)
Theta Gentle astronomical object Klingon M, 2 (none)
Theta Hulett astronomical object Federation H, 5 (none)
USS Emden starship Federation H, 6 represented by the silhouette of a Constitution-class heavy cruiser
USS Korolev starship Federation D, 5 represented by the silhouette of a Constitution-class heavy cruiser
USS Potemkin starship Federation C, 4 represented by the silhouette of a Constitution-class heavy cruiser
Wenselworld planet Klingon P, 3 (none)
Winter's Nova nova Klingon M, 5 (none)
Wise Nebula nebula Federation A, 5 (none)
Zimmerman's Star star Klingon I, 1 (none)

This chart was seen in the film, and later was seen in greater resolution at Many of the names were clearly readable; however, some locations at the extreme right of the chart are unreadable due to the angle the picture was snapped.

Many of these locations shared their names with the last names of crew who worked on the sixth film.
